Friday, April 3, 2009

Fashion in a Faltering Economy

In spite of the current turmoil in the financial markets, retailers are hopeful the slew of new spring styles shown at New York fashion week will still attract buyers

As retailers pulled out their notepads to place orders on spring fashions featured on the runways in New York in recent days, they prepared to make a bet on new styles that they hope will nudge shoppers to start buying clothes again.

Neiman Marcus fashion director Ken Downing praised the edgy "'80s moment" he saw on several runways, a trend long absent from stores and one he felt would look fresh to shoppers. At Bloomingdale's, fashion director Stephanie Solomon expected "rich hippie" looks to appeal in spring. And Barbara Atkin, vice president of fashion direction at upscale Canadian retailer Holt Renfrew, singled out the minimalist origami-inspired silhouettes and "ethereal" sorbet shades seen on many runways as different enough to sell well next year.

While retailers kept their chins up as they looked ahead, however, the reality was grim. Wall Street was in shambles on Monday after the announcement that Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. had filed for bankruptcy protection on Sunday and Merrill Lynch & Co. agreed to be sold to Bank of America Corp. The weak economy, with jittery consumers already slashing their spending on apparel, suddenly got shakier, making the retail forecast for spring even murkier.

"It's hard to stay really positive about business," said Stacey Pecor, owner of the Olive and Bette's chain of boutiques in New York, whose regulars include many in the investment-banking world. "These are very uncertain times right now. I think the shopper's going to look at her wardrobe and she's going to keep everything -- there won't be that, 'I'm throwing all of this out this season because I'm sick of it and replacing it all.' "

New York fashion week's Spring 2009 runways were a potpourri of styles meant to serve as an escape from the current economic climate. But there were a few standing motifs that peppered collections and which designers hope will ignite impulse buys despite tighter pocketbooks. Here are some of the trends to look for next spring.

1 comment:

  1. It sucks that the retail stores are going bankrupt. A lot of people dont have money to spend anymore.
